Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why a model man is necessary???

అర్థవంతమైన జీవితం
నల్లుగురికి ఆదర్శప్రాయం ,
అర్థరహితమైన జీవితం
సమాజానికే నాశనకరం !

These 4 can change the nations into Alive,, Though they r in a state of Death!!
So, be a Model Man!!
Our model Man is Jesus..! No one can be par with Him

Why Jesus Came...'?

Jesus came to this world not to establish a religion, nor to change other religions into HIs Religion, but to accomplish the Will Of God, and to bring the people from the Kingdom Of Death To The Kingdom Of God where the Man shall have an everlasting ife !

Who is Jesus..????

not jast a Teacher
not just a Leader
not just a Master
not just a Prophet
not just a Miracle Worker
not just a Healer
not just a Redeemer
not a just a History Maker
not just a Son of Man
not just a Son of God

More of all....


Happy X-MAS

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Jesus is our root!!!!!!!

మంచి వేరున్న చెట్టు
మంచి ఫలములను ఇచ్చే చెట్టు
రాయి దెబ్బలు తగిలాయని 
హృదయం గాయ పడిందని
మంచి చెట్టు కాకుండా పోయెనా ?
అది మంచి ఫలములను ఇవ్వకుండా మానెనా...?

that good root in us which produces good fruits from us is nothing ,but the jesus root.! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

can man reach heaven...??????????

నరుని ఆత్మ పరమాత్మను చేరాలంటే..
దైవత్వములోని దివ్యత్వమును కలిగి ఉంటె తప్ప
నరుడు పరలోకం చేరుట అసాధ్యమే !

pre-christmas in Adoni on 17/12/11 is a grand succuess

 The pre-christmas in adoni on 17-12-11 is a grand success..!
GOD took lead of this function and exalted His name.
we thank God...All glory goes to God..!